Rawleigh’s Medicated Ointment - BACK SOON
For minor injuries of the skin and helps relief of cold discomforts and congestion
Ingredients: Camphor, Eucalyptus Oil, Menthol, Lanolin, Paraffin Wax, Ceresin Wax
140g Tin
- Cuts, burns, sores, bruises - apply thoroughly once or twice a day as required.
- Catarrh or head colds - to relieve the symptoms of head and chest cold congestion, once or twice daily rub Medicated Ointment vigorously on chest, back, throat and soles of feet. Especially effective at bedtime for all night relief. Try inhaling it as well as rubbing it on your chest.
- Colds - rub on chest and throat and cover with a soft flannel.
- Spasmodic croup - rub Medicated Ointment liberally on the throat and chest and apply hot flannels to aid breathing and relieve congestion.
- Earache - put a small amount of Medicated Ointment on cotton wool and insert in ear.
- Headache - apply gently to forehead and temples.
- Muscular pains, aching joints - rub vigorously.
- Chapped hands, lips, scratches - as a dressing.
Warning: Avoid direct contact with eyes.